How to Put an End to Your Dog's Shoe-Chewing Habit

Dogs have an innate love for chewing, and you may have witnessed your furry friend indulging in various objects, ranging from toys to backyard rocks. However, one item you never want them to chew on is your shoes. Unfortunately, shoes hold a special allure for dogs. They carry your scent strongly and possess the perfect combination of softness and durability for a satisfying chewing session.


Replacing your shoes every week is not ideal, and harboring resentment towards your dog is certainly not the desired outcome. So, what can be done?


Fortunately, we have compiled 8 effective solutions for you. By trying any or all of these simple tricks, you can put an end to your dog's shoe-chewing habit today. But before we delve into the strategies to prevent this behavior, let's first understand why it occurs in the first place.


Dogs may chew shoes due to various reasons such as teething, boredom, anxiety, or simply seeking attention. Identifying the underlying cause will allow us to tailor our training methods accordingly.


1. Provide Appropriate Chew Toys:

 One of the most effective ways to redirect your dog's chewing behavior away from shoes is by offering suitable alternatives. Invest in high-quality chew toys specifically designed for dogs, such as durable rubber toys or puzzle toys that dispense treats. Introduce these toys during playtime and reward your dog when they engage with them instead of shoes.

2. Establish a Consistent Routine:

Dogs thrive on routine and structure; therefore, establishing a consistent daily routine can help alleviate boredom and anxiety that may lead to shoe chewing. Ensure your dog receives ample physical exercise through regular walks or play sessions. Mental stimulation is equally important; consider incorporating obedience training or interactive games into their routine.


3. Create a Safe Space:

 Designate a specific area in your home where your dog can retreat when unsupervised or feeling anxious. This space should be comfortable and equipped with their bed, water bowl, and appropriate chew toys. Gradually introduce this safe space using positive reinforcement techniques so that it becomes associated with relaxation rather than isolation.


4. Supervision and Management:

 Until your dog has learned not to chew shoes, it is essential to supervise them closely when they have access to footwear. Restrict their access to areas where shoes are stored or keep shoes in closed closets or shoe racks. By managing their environment, you can prevent opportunities for shoe chewing and reinforce positive behavior.


5. Positive Reinforcement Training:

Positive reinforcement training is a powerful tool in shaping desired behaviors. Whenever you catch your dog chewing on an appropriate item, such as a chew toy, offer praise and rewards immediately. This positive association will encourage them to choose the designated chew toys over shoes.


6. Corrective Measures:

In cases where your dog is caught in the act of chewing shoes, it is crucial to respond appropriately without resorting to punishment. Interrupt the behavior by using a firm but calm voice command such as "leave it" or "no." Immediately redirect their attention towards an appropriate chew toy and reward them for making the correct choice.


7. Bitter Apple Spray:

 To deter your dog from chewing shoes, consider using bitter apple spray or a similar pet-safe deterrent on your footwear. The unpleasant taste will discourage them from engaging in destructive behavior while protecting your shoes from harm.


8. Seek Professional Help:

 If despite consistent efforts and implementation of these strategies, your dog continues to exhibit shoe-chewing behavior, seeking professional assistance from a certified dog trainer or animal behaviorist may be beneficial. They can provide personalized guidance based on your dog's specific needs and help address any underlying issues contributing to this behavior.


There are many reasons that your dog might be chewing up your shoes and just as many ways to fix it. Whether you need to provide your dog with some entertainment to cure their boredom or you need to simply hide the shoes until your puppy grows out of their chewing phase, there’s a trick on this list that’s sure to help solve your chewing problem.


Just take the time to first identify why your dog is chewing in the first place. Then, look through the list and find the method that’s most applicable to that reason for chewing and your lifestyle. If the first trick you try doesn’t work, then pick another and keep trying until your shoes are no longer getting new teeth marks!